this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
sepehr g. t h r e a t e n s m e with the loss of his readership
sepehr i would love to lose you as a reader, unfortunately insults don't seem to do the job ! :o)
ironing out our “ cognitive failures ” is a lifetime's work that begins when you start !
you are intelligent but not a top rate mind, the gap is your “cognitive failures” and you are reluctant to address that
it is to my regret that i have always been so slow on addressing my own cognitive failures !
sepehr g. t h r e a t e n s m e with the loss of his readership
sepehr i would love to lose you as a reader, unfortunately insults don't seem to do the job ! :o)
ironing out our “ cognitive failures ” is a lifetime's work that begins when you start !
you are intelligent but not a top rate mind, the gap is your “cognitive failures” and you are reluctant to address that
it is to my regret that i have always been so slow on addressing my cognitive failures !
sepehr g. t h r e a t e n s m e with the loss of his readership
sepehr i would love to lose you as a reader, unfortunately insults don't seem to do the job ! :o)
ironing out our “ cognitive failures ” is a lifetime's work that begins when you start !
you are intelligent but not a top rate mind, the gap is your “cognitive failures” and you are reluctant to address that
it is my regret that i have always been so slow on addressing my cognitive failures !
like epilepsy
migraine has quite a wide spectrum of presentation !
like epilepsy,
migraine has quite a wide spectrum of presentation !
like epilepsy,
migraine has quite a wide spectrum of presentation !
sepehr g. w r i t e s
I don't like neuroscience anymore though, and I want to become a part of the zeitgeist for helping the environment, hence my desire for going for a Phd in a field for that.
r e p l y
the problem is the human species, the more comfortable you make things for it, the more it breeds into the space created which it then fills with its trash, inanity and misguidedness !
sepehr g. w r i t e s
you can really judge how competent of a scholar one can be based off limited interactions on the 7thzenpatriarch blog
r e p l y
lol, isn't this what i have been saying tho i am sure you misspelt can't as can . .
in fact competency is a lifetime's work
the “ global workspace ” theory of conciousness is a development of the last forty-five years, i got interested and through you tube videos have looked fairly intensively at the leading scholars in the field, men who have devoted their lives to this work and one gets a real sense of quality scholarship and actually men well along in their lives . .
this video is well worth watching to get a sense of mature scholarship versus two young hubric bozos !
the point being to be a leader in an academic or research field requires the complete attention of a lifetime, the question is whether one wants or is prepared to do that ! :o)
i n f i n i t y interests me more ! :o)
there is
a linear relationship between higher levels of “kantian fractionalization” and more future conflict
‘ kantian fractionalization ’ is the number of cliques the world is split up into and how easy it is to isolate those cliques from one another
students must fit into their teachers projections !
in fact you can only pass if you do this, otherwise you are failed !
students must fit things into their teachers projections !
in fact you can only pass if you do this, otherwise you are failed !
sepehr g. w r i t e s
there are a lot of
notable iranian Americans in Science/academia, notably physicists :
I can do anything I set my mind to as long as I consider it important, ethically, and it doesn't involve too much high-level math
r e p l y
“ here are a lot of notable iranian americans in science/academia
notably physicists ”
you have cognitive style problems that leaves a gap between them and you
philosophically speaking
it's like deleuze is your level and not derrida or heraclitus !
you know this lack of rigour is so because you are so sensitive to the criticism, this is what i mean by a lack of solitude and not being self aware !
you want “ mystical understanding ” without putting in the solitude or contemplative time, what can i say ?
in any academic field you will only be at the workman level if you even last because of the cognitive style issues
this is very different from saying you are unintelligent !
the 7th patriarch blog is about the return to or generation of an authentic mystical tradition and you not doing the work . .
you don't have to or be interested in it but really what you write about is of peripheral interest to me . .
i think basically you rush on too fast and fit everything to your projection !
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
you are not self aware
no solitude and it shows !
this lack of rigour and looseness is very apparent in this exchange so far. i got to this stage with zakaj, he was just very loose and assertive and expecting me to work it all out for him
am i going to spend my days sorting out your mistakes, not that you hear anyway !
what good does it do to argue ? is that going to affect the reality of who you are !
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
you are not self aware
no solitude and it shows !
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
you are not self aware
no solitude and it shows !
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
you are not self aware
no solitude and it shows !
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
you are not self aware, no solitude and it shows !
“ but my best essay is in my laptop that is currently being repaired due to spilling coffee ”
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years
your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal
i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
i am thinking of our exchanges (ed. with sepehr g.) over the years, your approach to what zen is about is too loose so you go through cycles of approach and withdrawal, i am waiting for the next withdrawal or maybe this is it now ?
sepehr g. rejected my saying he lacked intellectual rigour citing his neuroscience degree, research experience and high GPA scores
r e p l y
you feel insulted, so you can't look rationally at my criticism !
it took me twenty years to learn rigour, tease out all the relevancies and crossing every last t and dotting every last i !
my take on work like dentistry or optometry or medical is one gets too much exposure to viral people !
your health is the first thing, if you don't have health you don't have anything !
actually optometery is not so bad, not breathing everyone's breath like for dentistry or meeting
20 ill people a day like a doctor or medical personnel !
my take on work like dentistry or optometry or medical is one gets too much exposure to viral people !
your health is the first thing, if you don't have health you don't have anything !
“ i have taken almost every wrong turning in the book ”
“ life is a wrong turning ”
“ i have taken a lot of wrong turnings ”
“ life is a wrong turning ”
“ i'm a 20 year old male who has been smoking for a year and usually go through 10 a day, any advice on quitting cold turkey ”
r e p l y
draw up a taper off schedule over two or three weeks then stick to it !
going cold turkey is destructive and in some ways a mini stroke, you need to give time to allow the genes to readjust !
“ abstaining from smoking overnight caused smokers' cerebral blood flow and brain oxygen intake to drop by 17%
this may contribute to
cognitive disruptions during smoking withdrawal that make quitting more difficult ”
wrong being a brick wall
I am sure they are interesting to themselves ! : o )
wrong being a brick wall
I am sure they are interesting to themselves ! : o )
wrong being a brick wall
I am sure they are interesting to themselves ! : o )
wrong being a brick wall
I am sure they are interesting to themselves ! :o)
“ PM2.5 is fine airborne particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 micrometers
It is a complex mixture of particles and gases from gasoline and diesel engines, together with dust from wear of road surfaces, tires and brakes
PM2.5 is the major and most
toxic component of air pollutants in the real-world air environment of intensive traffic or industrial activity
Recent epidemiological studies confirmed that populations exposed to high-level PM2.5 are at a higher risk of developing heart disease and metabolic disease ”
often one wonders what the input of the father is in a child, but this picture of angelina jolie clearly shows her father
, john voight in her face
the nutshell of stephen hawking's
proposal is that relativity and quantum mechanics are reconciled by information not actually being destroyed in the center of a black hole, but by garbling of the information from a “ super translation ” into a hologram on the event horizon and further emission via hawking radiation back into the universe
so effectively information is and isn't destroyed, and this is the essence of zen and great writing, that the garbling process becomes a coding and in effect can then be decoded . .
this is why quality mysticism is so hard, the encoding and decoding process requires you don't separate this enquiry from your life
you and what you do are the encoding/decoding
this is also the case with great writing . .
since religion is a faux process and neither encodes nor decodes then it remains nonsense, not wrong not right, just sense deconstructed into nonsense and the universe continues undisturbed and its laws unviolated ! : o)(
gesshin, it must be obvious even to you that your grasp of zen
is incompetent !
you are proxing into buddhism and ending up dribbling nonsense for the most part, when you write from your own direct experience you do quite well and have a natural talent . .
too comfy with your own life, you need to look more closely and f e e l i t s f a i l u r es
why is everybody so r i g i d
! ?
why is everybody so r i g i d ! ?
why is everybody so r i g i d ?
why is everybody so r i g i d
why is everybody so rigid
! ?
why is everybody so rigid ! ?
why is everybody so rigid ?
why is everybody so rigid
you are going
in a straight line !
do you ask yourself where does the trajectory take you
you are going
in a straight line !
do you ask yourself where does the trajectory take you ?
you are going in a straight line ! do you ask yourself where does the trajectory take you ?
a good
combination of film and music with a subtle story line !
one of my favourite short films !
i only put it up because it seems to have fallen into the cyber black hole in the sky and deserves to be known !
chilli gonzales playing his
composition used at the beginning of the film !
god, only a year ago i was still
posting on reddit zen, might have been longer, i'm not sure how they define “year” !
i like what i wrote . .
interesting how many of the flakes/fakes have deleted their id's . .
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n
my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n
my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n,
! my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, a bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n
my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, a bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n
my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, a bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
the water in the outside pipe has f r o z e n,
! my shadow crisp against the wall !
september the first 2015, 3.10am
, a super bright, a bit past the full moon - perigee
, the light so white you can almost see the brown of the garage roof and the bluey green of the cedar that grows up against it
earlier i could not believe my ears to hear a magpie in the gum across the paddock do a warble because it was confused about it being light enough for dawn !
alice munroe encapsulates the writers/mystics dilemma !
she was asked in her nobel prize
interview wether there had ever been periods where she was unable to write ? [25:00]
yah, hm hm hm hm ahh . . i'm trying to think, well i gave up writing just about how long ago was it ? a year, not a year ago yet, but that was a decision
that was not wanting to write and not having . . it was more of a decision that i wanted to behave like the rest of the world in the sense that when you are a writer
you are never quite like other people, you are doing some job that other people don't know you are doing and you can't talk about it really and you are just finding your way in this secret world and then you are doing something else in the normal world, and i guess i was a little tired of that, though i had done it all my life, absolutely all my life
gesshin, living in japan you are exotic, i guess because you are a translator of the culture
but in america you are just another
boring schizophrenic fart that your country is so replete in ! : o(
r/askdocs and r/medical are full of health cripples like
yourself ,
one gives advice but they cannot get that the way they do things is wrong, like their health issues are not staring down at them like the muzzle of a gun !
BCD is the rational basis for eating, it's the type of carbs that matter !
you are right to skip the sugar !
also drop the splenda !
forget counting calories, it's a meaningless measure !
the amount of running you are doing is seriously depleting you on top of an diet only the retarded would think has any rational basis
you are hyperglycemic which is the stepping stone to diabetes !
if you have a weight problem you can check your thyroid function by putting a couple of drops of topical
iodine tincture or a small smear of betadine/povidine on the underside of the wrist and seeing what that does to how you feel and your energy levels !
the problem is you have years of work ahead of you to sort things out so your post forties and fifties life is not a health disaster
hypoglycemia implies insulin resistance and eventual diabetes because through some disaster of evolutionary design, the production of insulin itself is toxic to the beta islets, so if you have to produce a lot of insulin to overcome the cells insulin resistance then the beta islets eventually get crippled and you become diabetic !
you haven't read the
BCD and
SCD links
it takes days just to start to get a glimmer of what they are about, it's your only way of getting on the road to a healthy trajectory, if you have done a university degree, surely you must understand the notion of research and the time it takes to form a sophisticated view !
depending on where it is grown, especially the southern usa and australia, brown rice will be very high in arsenic ! do you eat quite a bit on a weekly basis ?
potatoes have difficult to digest starches in feeding bad microbiome which in turn can generate antigens to various sugar related metabolic compartments !
that's what the specific carbohydrate diet and biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diets are about, the selective use of carbohydrates . . .
r/askdocs and r/medical are full of health cripples, you give advice but they cannot get that the way they do things is wrong, like their health issues are not staring down at them like the muzzle of a gun !
forget counting calories, it's a meaningless measure !
r/askdocs and r/medical are full of health cripples, you give advice but they cannot get that the way they do things is wrong, like their health issues are not staring down at them like the muzzle of a gun !
everyone steers so as to only conform to their own opinions !
everyone steers so as to only conform to their own opinions
they steer so as to only conform to their own opinions !
they steer so as to only conform to their own opinions
they steer so as to only conform to their own opinions !
they steer so as to only conform to their own opinions
a quote from charles bukowski
there is nothing quite like the expectancy of the beginning writer, unless it is the conceit of the successful one
my c o m m e n t
unless it's the bitterness of an unsuccessful one !
. .
a quote from charles bukowski
there is nothing quite like the expectancy of the beginning writer, unless it is the conceit of the successful one
my c o m m e n t
unless it's the bitterness of an unsuccessful one ! : o (
a quote from charles bukowski
there is nothing quite like the expectancy of the beginning writer, unless it is the conceit of the successful one
my c o m m e n t
unless it's the bitterness of an unsuccessful one !
a quote from charles bukowski
there is nothing quite like the expectancy of the beginning writer, unless it is the conceit of the successful one
my c o m m e n t
unless it's the bitterness of an unsuccessful one
zakaj q u o t e s friedrich nietzsche
everything about woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has a single solution : that is ,
yeah, that's why what zen is really about is celibate and this whole western “married with kids ” zen which hybridizes monastic with lay life is such a disaster . . the roads fork and which one you are on requires a different approach
kogen's (/r/user/Gocloudrunwater) wife has recently become pregnant, they are living at tassajara and i think subtly the management is trying to push them out, but he seems to have
no clues that he now needs a good income !
the mad breed better than the sane, it's hard to expect a world to come right where this happens ! : o ) (
sylvia plath is a well known tragic example of the fork splitting a person fatally !
zakaj replies i n s i g h t f u l l y
I witnessed this with Muho at Antaiji when I stayed there. It was absolutely prohibited to have any love relationship while in the Temple, but he himself was visited by his wife sometimes, and held his baby in his arms while we were having informal lunch. It created an awkward atmosphere.
Because he had to act the role of a strict “master” and he was quite scary at times, but then when he was holding the baby he turned into something domestic, docile, which produced a tragicomic effect, there was a visible contradiction there.
In the past I thought I'm the exception and I can be an enlightened man plus married plus children, plus a good job. Often we're blinded by this exclusivist stupidity thinking that somehow, we're the exception.
Sooner or later life teaches us we are NOT the exception.
Now I'm aware of the impossibility you were talking about, but how things will resolve, is still to be seen. I just got a new job and I think that for the time being, I need some structure in my life.
disk herniations do heal eventually
and the extruded material gets absorbed
it can be a process of years though, if you are young it should be much more rapid
most exercises cause way more problems than they solve, you have to rethink what you do !
“ truths that can be destructive to relationship ”
r e p l y
all women think men are immature babies basically
how can it get worse than that ?
for their part women are pursuing some idealised romantic version of reality that even mills and boon only scratches the surface of ! :o)
all women think men are immature babies basically !
how can it get worse than that ?
all women think men are immature babies basically
how can it get worse than that ?
for their part women are pursuing some idealised romantic version of reality that even mills and boon only scratches the surface of ! :o)
all women think men are immature babies basically
“ what is the way ? ”
life incompetence is the way !
. .
“ what is the way ? ”
life incompetence is the way
. .
life incompetence is the way ! : o ( )
life incompetence is the way : o ( )
life incompetence is the way !
“ what is the way ? ”
life incompetence is the way
lansford w.
i meant well and did ill !
. .
lansford w.
i meant well and did ill ! : o (
i meant well and did ill !
. .
i meant well and did ill ! : o (
i meant well and did ill !
i meant well and did ill !
i meant well and did ill
i meant well and did ill
from reddit askdocs
My identical
twin sister has tons of allergies and I don't - how is this possible ?
She has been suffering from headaches, fatigue, and general feelings of malaise for quite a while now.
Because I don't feel as bad as she does on a daily basis, everyone assumed it was all in her head.
Recently though, she had bloodwork done that revealed a ton of allergies - both environmental (to lots of different plant species, molds and fungi) and dietary (she was allergic to wheat, corn, and some nuts/seeds - especially sesame)
Meanwhile, I have barely any environmental allergies, and only one very mild egg white allergy
She doesn't have typical respiratory symptoms, save for a cat allergy (which we both have)
She was very sick with back to back infections as a young child. Could this be the culprit ?
my comment
identical twins can vary in the degree of genetic identicalness through having different numbers of copy variants on portions of the genome
prone to this !
at this point he would come to an out of court settlement with you ?
“ revenge is best served cold ”
any legal outcomes are uncertain and hugely time consuming if you want to win !
ed. i think she's going to have problems convincing a court she is credible, her last message to me accused me of being “ a frightened rapist ” !
. .
people with thyroid problems sometimes intuitively shy away from brushing and using toothpaste because fluoride is goitrogenic !
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself !
. .
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself !
. .
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself !
. .
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself !
. .
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself !
it is not my business to persuade you of what is only benefit to yourself
truth is not collective
, it is a mystical hermetic paradigm !
. .
truth is not collective
, it is a mystical hermetic paradigm !
truth is not collective
it is a mystical hermetic paradigm
truth is not collective it is a mystical hermetic paradigm !
. .
truth is not collective it is a mystical hermetic paradigm !
truth is not collective it is a mystical hermetic paradigm
LPT tip
life and people are uneven !
LPT tip
life and people are uneven
LPT tip
uneven !
LPT tip
LPT tip
uneven !
LPT tip
a reddit post
In the village (ed. uk) that I grew up in (in the 1990s)
there was this odd guy who always used to cycle around. As I remember he was in his 30s and would wear slightly dirty jeans, and a leather waistcoat over a dirty t-shirt. He looked a bit like a troublemaker, but no-one ever saw him walking, much less speaking to anyone or making trouble, he was just always cycling around.
By both adults and children he was known as “ Herbie Cat Killer ”
and the story went that he would steal pet cats and torture them to death. He also wore a necklace on which he strung cat teeth (this last bit was the piece of tangible evidence which made the story 'true', though I think it was more a Crocodile Dundee look he was going for, and the teeth probably weren't feline)
Fast forward a few years and something terrible happened in the village that would reveal Herbie's true motive for cycling around all the time. A 16-year-old girl from my school was murdered (it was horrible, really) and during the early days of the investigation, Herbie disappeared. Naturally, people were suspicious but then the guy who actually did it was found pretty quick and Herbie went back to his old habits.
Anyway, it all came out after that (indiscreet police + village rumour mill) that what Herbie was actually doing was cycling around and keeping track of when families went on holiday. He would then tell local gypsies (there were a lot of camps around our area), who would then break into garages and steal tools, motorcycles and other stuff, cutting him in on the profits.
a reddit post
On the train one day, a bright little girl about 8 years old sits opposite me. She's accompanied by a drawn looking guy who might be my age (27) but looks older.
After a while I notice his little fingernail on one hand is about an inch and a half long and curves up towards his palm. As I'm mentally logging this as my first time seeing an obvious coke nail IRL, the little girl sees something outside the window and laughs.
Her teeth are all entirely black
some-one who i pm'ed (ed. private messaged) about a gut issue on reddit askdocs wondered why i pm'ed and didn't join the public threads, well it's the same as just about any subreddit, morons run the boards and enforce some version of the film “ idiocracy ! ”
yeah some of the moderators (ask docs) don't like me at all, i just can't be bothered with the arguments any more
their view of medicine is stuck in 1980 !
i used to have docs come across from other boards just to argue with me, emergency department ones particularly who have a certain perspective and overconfidence which doesn't work here . .
the level of drug use amongst these people surprised me . . the moderators never had any problem with that . .
then when i stopped posting publically they disappeared and don't post on ask docs at all now . .
you (ed. the person asking me about pm'ing) said it yourself “ leaky gut ” which you have, it's not going to magically come right, but medicine does not competently deal with this problem !
i don't think you like the view that i indicated to you either, time will show . . .
i've seen people prefer to remain invalids rather than help themselves
you are not in a good spot and medicine doesn't have the answers !
anyway it's interesting you asked, i always used to wonder why people pm'ed, more experience taught me the reason why was an inability of most people to publically dialogue, but instead just repeat thoughtless opinions and when that doesn't work, ban or ask for bans !
for a competing author, you are torn between wanting to make a damaging criticism, but not wanting to tell them anything useful !
. .
for a competing author, you are torn between wanting to make a damaging criticism, but not wanting to tell them anything useful ! :o)(
for a competing author, you are torn between wanting to make a damaging criticism, but not wanting to tell them anything useful !
for a competing author, you are torn between wanting to make a damaging criticism, but not wanting to tell them anything useful
how many wings has a fly ?
they have two wings to fly and four to fly and steer by !
. .
how many wings has a fly ?
they have two wings to fly and four to fly and steer by !
flies have two wings to fly and four to fly and steer by ! : o)
reddit at
its best or worst whatever way you want to look at it !
i thought twice about posting this, but really there is something unusual about reddit, the way it intrudes into everyones lives and the endless borderline personality disorder . . !
of course there's always syria/iraq civil war videos . .
it's really a form of traumatic stress i guess to see and be in contact with this stuff, seeing a mexican drug mafioso (or husband ?) behead a woman not really different from slitting a sheep's throat . .
reddit and this world is full of moronic crap, real suicides like
marina tsvetaeva weep across the eons . . !
. .
a post to
life pro tips
finding something by deliberately not looking for it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly
use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
i should be some sort of expert because i am always losing things !
ed. i get a reply from a moderator
I really don't think this qualifies as a
LPT. Pretty much what you're saying is “ If you've lost something, just deal with the fact that you don't have it and simply hope it turns up later ”
It's not a
LPT , so i have removed it !
my reply ( when i stopped crying and cursing these anti-intellectual morons . .
‘ there's much more too it, it's really is saying that there are deep philosopical issues with attention to do with preconception filtering what we see, that we fit the world to what we see rather than take the world as it shows itself
it really reads, if you have lost something, continue what you need to do with a substitute and this continuing to do what the lost object is needed for will often throw up what was lost to you !
totally LPT ! ’
my further thought, the guy is obviously ADHD and has a reading age of 4 !
he won't reply, they never do, the post will not be reinstated because for these babies it cuts a philosophical edge that is too raw !
he may have been offended by
this earlier reply . . .
he did reply
“ it's just not really a life pro tip, sorry ”
r e p l y
if michel montaigne was
posting you would have removed him ?
“ a wise man never loses anything
if he has himself ”
finding something by deliberately not looking for it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly, use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
i should be some sort of expert because i am always losing things !
. .
finding something by deliberately not looking for it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly, use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
i should be some sort of expert because i am always losing things !
. .
finding something by deliberately not looking for it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly, use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
i should be some sort of expert because i am always losing things ! : o ()
finding something by deliberately not looking for it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly, use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
if you lose something and can't find it quickly, use a substitute and hopefully the lost object will turn up because difficulty in finding something is usually because we have the wrong idea where it is and when we get broken out of that into random looking by using a substitute then we find it !
maturity and immaturity is faceted !
maturity and immaturity is faceted
maturity and immaturity is a faceted animal !
maturity and immaturity is a faceted animal
“ most often in amblyopia patients, one eye is better at focusing
the brain prefers the information from that eye
and pushes down the signal coming from the other
lazy eye ”
from r/askdocs
Lacerated my spleen almost 4 months ago, feel 'popping' when i make certain movements.
i'm male, aged 18. About 3 months ago, on May 7th, I lacerated my spleen and suffered internal bleeding. The doctors said it would heal itself, and did not go through with surgery. After a few days, I was released when the bleeding was very slowed down, but had not completely stopped. I was sent home with no medication, and am not currently on any. I refrained from unnecessary movement for a week or so, and I was fine.
After 3 months of no intense physical activity, they said I could go back to exercising, but nothing that's too rough and could potentially cause my spleen to become injured again. Recently (First noticed about 2 weeks ago)
I've been working out by doing light ab exercises and when I make certain movements, I feel a sort of a 'pop.' It's kind of the same feeling as the popping from
double-joints, or a subdued and inaudible knuckle crack (at least I don't think it makes a sound).
It doesn't cause any pain, but feels strange and definitely did not occur before my injury. It's in the same spot where I felt pain, and I'm wondering if it's anything that needs attention ?
r e p l y
popping sounds may be ok in the context of
joints , but i would be cautious in the context of your injury scar tissue !
i would avoid exercises that make the noise in your spleen , it's a sign of stress there and “ cavitation ” is an explosive event !!
“ although there is no evidence that knuckle cracking causes arthritis, there have been reports that it can injure ligaments and dislocated tendons ”
alice munro's
nobel prize “ interview ”
, she's really quite autistic and full of z e n insight about the nature of writing, of the ingress and interchangeability of fantasy and reality
shades of “ kin-dza-dza ”
a real lake on the border between india and china/tibet !
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be “even”
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist within us all !
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be “even”
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist within us all
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be ‘ even ’
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist within us all
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be “even”
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist with us all !
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be “even”
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist with us all
as i have got older i no longer expect people to be ‘ even ’
the most astounding uneveness and hypocrisies exist with us all
well you try to make it an object ( ed. infinity ! ) but it's not an object
well you try to make it an object ( ed. infinity ! ) but it's not an object
well you try to make it an object
but it's not an object
well you try to make it an object but it's not an object
well you try to make it an object ( ed. infinity ! god ! ? ) but it's not an object
everybody is uneven !
even god is uneven !
everybody is uneven !
even god is uneven !
everybody is uneven
even god is uneven
everybody is uneven
even god is uneven
everybody is uneven
even god is uneven
everybody is uneven !
even god is uneven
everybody is uneven
even god is uneven
even god is uneven
everybody is uneven !
everybody is uneven !
everybody is uneven
everybody is uneven
everybody is uneven
everybody is uneven
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit
. .
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit
. .
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit !
write from your own experience, writing about others gains you no credit
you can sit down and weep for an unlived life : o (
you can sit down and weep for an unlived life
what good does it do ? : o (
you can sit down and weep for an unlived life
what good does it do ?
you can sit down and weep for an unlived life
people can be competent at their job but not power politics
other people can be competent at power politics but not their job !
guess who gets the rough edge ?
both !
people can be competent at their job but not power politics
other people can be competent at power politics but not their job !
guess who gets the rough edge ?
“ i have no instruction for you ”
. .
“ i have no instruction for you ”
. .
“ i have no instruction for you ”
“ i have no instruction for you ”
i have no instruction for you
OMg that's me !
communication between the prefrontal cortex located directly below the forehead and the parietal cortex just above both ears
o u c h ! : o ( )
it's interesting to compare the persistance of physical compared to biological objects, we know about heraclitus, sappho and jane austin and even cave drawers through their writing and drawing, but their biological entities have long since decohered into nothingness (or dust/sludge ! : o ) (
i had a vision of a trout (something speckled anyway !) moving in a stream, it caught itself moving and stopped, then just drifted with the s t r e a m . .
i had a vision of a trout (something speckled anyway !) moving in a stream, it caught itself moving and stopped, then just drifted with the s t re a m . .
i like the 3M 1100 ear plugs for ear protection when shooting !
very good broad band attenuation !
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken ! : o(
it ?
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken !
it ?
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken
it ?
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken ! : o(
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken !
i was just thinking of my life, pretty well every wrong turning i could have taken, i have taken
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one ‘ to look outside the box ’
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one ‘ to look outside the box ’ !
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one ‘ to look outside the box ’
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one to look outside “the box” !
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one to look outside “the box”
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one to look outside the box !
intractable health problems are difficult to resolve and always require one to look outside the box
a quote by franz grillparzer from his ‘ notebooks and diaries ’ (
1811-1816 )
“ genius differs from talent not by the amount of original thoughts, but by making the latter fertile and by positioning them properly, in other words, by integrating everything into a whole, whereas talent produces only fragments, no matter how beautiful ”
when you do your job too well, no-one can understand what you are doing ! : o()
when you do your job too well, no-one can understand what you are doing !
when you do your job too well, no-one can understand what you are doing
when you do your job too well, no-one understands what you are doing ! : o()
when you do your job too well, no-one understands what you are doing !
when you do your job too well, no-one understands what you are doing
kogen, the dream of zen
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now ! : o)
kogen, the dream of zen
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now !
kogen, the dream of zen
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now
kogen, the zen dream
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now ! : o)
kogen, the zen dream
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now !
kogen, the zen dream
has e v a p o r a t e d
you are in a different dream now
“ Is it possible to develop
a whey protein allergy ? ”
thinking about it
answer is yes
you have developed microbiome problems generating an autoimmune response since whey is not very digestible and a microbiome feeder (microbiome = bad gut bugs !)
basically the whey is feeding gut bugs that cause an allergic response !
very occasionally on r/meditation one comes across something like
this ,
something on target ! : o )
“ Anyway, whilst reading one of the chapters ( ed. eckhart tolle's “the power of now” ) on the beach today, alone, I found myself almost drifting into a separate ‘ mini ’ meditation whilst trying to comprehend some of his teachings.
During this time I began to become intensely present, more than in any of my routine meditations. It was as if life was a show - watching the energy of the waves roll in, children playing and swimming in the sea, birds flying over head - and I was just non-judgementally watching it all unfold in my presence, I had no thoughts or worries. It felt as if I had almost left my body and became much more aware and peaceful . . . ”
it's interesting to try and correlate it with giulio tononi's
metric of phi (a value of conciousness)
some excursion of value on the high side, a momentary reduction of boundaries increasing the number of states possible with some simultaneity of a ‘ trans state ’ that is both inclusive and exclusive of others . .
some insight giving a deeper coherence and integration, a flash of infinitely synchronous broadcasting within the global workspace that is conciousness . . ?
interestingly leo kanner supported
the emigration of and employment of dr. hans asperger's judaic staff from austria to the usa prior to WW2 !
an interesting, complex and
partly beneficial response of mixing tobacco and marijuana !
probably doubles up on the carcinogenicity though ! : o ( ) !
evidence increasingly suggests that there is an association between the microbiota in the gut - bacteria, fungi and viruses - and the development of autoimmune disorders e.g.
uveitis !
the extract below is from this
“ Joan Didion’s moment of insight came in 1971 or 1972, during a summer visit with Quintana, then five or six, to Old Sacramento, an area of the city reconstructed to look like downtown Sacramento, where her father’s great-grandfather owned a saloon, circa 1850
She began telling Quintana about all the ancestors who had once walked on those sidewalks, and then she remembered that Quintana (ed. her daughter) was adopted. Quintana had no relationship to Old Sacramento and its sidewalks and saloons
And this thought made her realize, as she put it later, that, “ in fact, I had no more attachment to this wooden sidewalk than Quintana did : it was no more than a theme, a decorative effect ”
Looking back, she decided that this was the moment when the story she had grown up with — “ the entire enchantment under which I had lived my life ” — began to seem foreign ”
this is what zen is really about, seeing these fictions in our lives not the bullshit mythologizing of an old sacramento in meiji and reddit zen ! : o(
roger penrose lectures on
forbidden crystal symmetry in mathematics and architecture
a poem by aoife lyall
Hooks & Eyes
6:47 to Edinburgh.
The conductor looks for tickets,
It’s early – no rush – you’re one of us.
Returning with his trolley,
A night cap for your morning nap?
The mountains hem our secret path.
We glide through granite sleeves and folds.
The sun pulls fog from quilted fields
and with the dawn it slowly yawns
and curls its limbs around our carriage.
And I want to wake the girl nearby,
sleeping on her Primark bag : to shake her at the shoulder
and whisper –
‘ Look at this ’
sepehr g. w r i t e s
this film is about the quasi border between the real and unreal
it does a good job showing how a poet has to move freely between them to find infinity or so . . .
“ these
poems are a mental sketch as formed
passage by passage of light and shade
maintained and preserved to this point
brought together in paper and mineral ink ”
as far as i can see
life is the endless exploration
of an infinite density of being !
as far as i can see
life is the endless exploration
of an infinite density of being
as far as i can see
life is an endless exploration
of an infinite density of being !
as far as i can see
life is an endless exploration
of an infinite density of being
as far as i can see
life is an endless exploration
of the infinite density of being !
as far as i can see
life is an endless exploration
of the infinite density of being
as far as i can see
life is just an endless exploration
of the infinite density of being !
as far as i can see
life is just an endless exploration
of the infinite density of being
to my view there's two types of writing
the first is writing for yourself and if the world makes something of it, well and good and if it doesn't t o o b a d
the second is for entertainment which is what it takes to s e l l
the first leaves you broke, but the second distorts you
does this say something about the nature of the world ?
a rather fascinating discussion by toni packer of her childhood and early life photos (interviewed by joan tollifson) in prewar and wartime germany as half jewish !
semen at rates of 10,000 times
is the core of HIV infectivity !
the only reason i write is for myself, all you need is about one viewer and for long periods
myself and one other was all there was . .
one lesson i got from reading how nikolai gogol destroyed the second volume of “ dead souls ” on the instruction of some particularly stupid priest, is never to delete or destroy your own work !
often you can just leave stuff and see how it hangs there or see how it g o e s . .
we are full of provisional ideas that n e e d working through . .
jonathan wrote “ What am I even waiting for, there's nothing but infinity. Infinite waiting for infinity right in front of me. So still waiting it's always there the waiting so waiting forever. So what ? So am I waiting . . . . what the fuck this is stupid it's not very helpful at all it's just nonsense ”
that's good writing very “ waiting for godot ” samuel beckett !
photo by jonathan med thomas
an ied or other explosive blast to the chest
pulses blood to the frontal lobes
damaging them
this explains a lot of the stories about men coming back from WW1 and WW2 “ changed ” !
sandy and joan mill
a very adventureous life
sailing travels . .
I II !
i'm sympathetic to ernest hemingway, his first wife had stolen from her
I II III all his first writing while leaving an unattended bag in her overnight berth on a train at the gare de lyon - a d i s a s t e r
he had previously ignored her very very strong advice not to go on a reporting assignment to constantinople and got malaria - a complete d i s a s t e r !
got her the wrong way both times
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
. .
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
schema always fail ! that's the true schema ! : o )
kinetic rain ,
moving sculpture in terminal
1 at the changi airport in singapore !
turn the sound off ! : o )
inflammation, but not telomere length
predicts successful ageing at extreme old age : a longitudinal study of semi-supercentenarians
arabian nights stuff ! : o )
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease ? !
. .
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease ? !
. .
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease ! ?
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease ? !
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease !
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease ?
do you have blood sugar problems, they often reflect in eye disease
a dematome is a bunch of nerves exiting the same spot in the spine
so for example
that's how you get an effect in the arm as well as the shoulder, same group of nerves probably being pinched at the same spot in the cervical spine !
effortless flowers
messing with my head,
entering and leaving
like things that are dead
i won't pay attention,
mind like wood and stone
i'll pay close attention
now they are gooooooone
a good stanza by the old reddit alt ‘ oatgerm ’ ( now ‘ pointingatthebye ’ )
the first four lines anyway, the last four are confused !
there is native ability there, ruined by the usual shoe horning into some imagined schema of what zen is, doesn't trust his own experience enough, has to plump it up with zen bullshit !
The gut microbiota
shapes intestinal immune responses during health and disease
“ Immunological dysregulation is the cause of many non-infectious human diseases such as autoimmunity, allergy and cancer
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary site of interaction between the host immune system and microorganisms, both symbiotic and pathogenic
In this Review we discuss findings indicating that developmental aspects of the adaptive immune system are influenced by bacterial colonization of the gut
We also highlight the molecular pathways that mediate host–symbiont interactions that regulate proper immune function
Finally, we present recent evidence to support that disturbances in the bacterial microbiota result in dysregulation of adaptive immune cells, and this may underlie disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease
This raises the possibility that the mammalian immune system, which seems to be designed to control microorganisms, is in fact controlled by microorganisms ”
a young southern right whale
approaches sydney fishermen for the removal of a plastic bag and fishing line from its mouth ! (12/8/15)
appacademy looks a scam imo, if you can't teach yourself programming off the web by yourself then you are not interested in it enough !
what interests you and what are you good at without trying ?
medicine is just like anything else
lots of different opinions and passing the buck
you have to look out for yourself !
medicine is just like anything else, lots of different opinions and passing the buck, you have to look out for yourself !
the scd and bcd diets modify the microbiome and actually outright reduce it to ameliorate auto immune and immune factors !
“ crohn's is an autoimmune disease, not a diet related problem ”
the scd and bcd diets modify the microbiome and actually outright reduce it to ameliorate auto immune and immune factors !
driest place falls a deluge !
. .
driest place falls a deluge !
. .
driest place falls a deluge !
driest place falls a deluge
well i think thyroid levels vary, what i have noticed is that applying topical
iodine and eating wallaby thyroids (australia here !) definitely make me feel warmer !
i don't know that candida/bad microbiome made for lower thyroid function at all !
what i have found effective for my lower (lumbar ! ) back pain is to take several doses of vitamin D3 a day, it's a natural steriod !
most exercises and even stretches just make things worse imo, you have to be very careful about what actually helps !
if things get very difficult you can try
msm !
jason dafonte's diary and observations of a retreat at furnace mountain, august 2015
The photo titled
bourbon room is where Dae Gak, his wife, and others went to gossip and drink bourbon almost immediately after retreatants left !
George Bomun was a marvel. He sat immediately across from me during meditation, I got to see him live . . His face was constantly moving during meditation, constantly inquiring. He also rocked back and forth throughout, that made me feel comfortable to move myself. We both had saliva problems, and so when one of us had to swallow spit, the other would almost immediately do the same after
One night after a particularly good meditation for me . . Watching George Bomun walk back to his room was very interesting. He seemed unhindered, and yet completely destroyed. It was incredible
He had a girlfriend who was actually there. I didn't get to meet her, but I think she helped me move my mats before meditation once which was very kind
George's car was interesting. He had a Monster energy drink and coffee up front, which I assume is for his road trips to retreats. He also had a ‘As Seen On TV’ product in the backseat, titled ‘Mega Memory’
I was glad to tell him I found a snake skin behind the Buddha altar in the temple, he was very excited to see it and asked what it looked like ! He was very kind and wished me a safe trip home. I did feel he ‘ left out ’ certain dialogue when talking . . Leaving the hard hitting stuff that most people can't handle
Dae Gak would be speaking during his dharma talk
“ . . We must keep silent and still ” George Bomun immediately during the talk ‘ COUGH picks his nose ’
They did seem like good friends though. He laughed often during the talks as well. I wondered how George kept his cool as too not be too abrasive towards others living on Furnace Mountain
r e p l y
thanx for all that writing
photos and the
movies , you really have had a good introduction to what zen is really like !
no glamour that's for sure ! : o )
most people are just passing the time and like reddit zen get nasty and belligerent when disturbed !
some of the other teachers in the kwan um school have given george a hard time so i think he has learnt to be guarded !
jason r e p l i e s
He actually rocked from side to side (ed. during meditation !)
People rocking back and forth were falling asleep i think
r e p l y
“ He actually rocked from side to side ”
an autistic trait !
comedy and humor
is really about death ,
it is an explosion of context !
comedy and humor is really about death, it is an explosion of context !
comedy is really about death, it is an explosion of context !
with phonecams i still can't get over how one can be brought to seeing what you are seeing without having to travel !
and so immediate !
sepehr g. w r i t e s
Andrew, if life is just process with no bottom turtle, how can it be a reflection of something deeper ? “ I ” is nothing but oscillation and stability, and the poem the gateway to infinity . . . but isn't that infinity monstrous ?
Where is this mysterious irradiance that permeates everything ? If this life is really all that I get and rebirth is superstition, then why should love be extended in all directions infinitely ? Why does it matter if I take the pain personally or not ? Just for a transient glimpse of infinity and that's it
and then welcoming the blackness of death ?
You said :
“ when we die the world also dies which is why being faced with death is such a topsy turvey disturbing process, yet paradoxically so opening ! ” - Andrew
What should be the incentive in gaining wisdom in solitude within natural scenery if the wisdom gained will bring nothing but pain in this evanescent life . . . A pain that shows that nothing but inertness awaits with the cessation of my bodily functions ?
Both the real and unreal, which blend in indistinguishable twilight, are gone when I go, so what's the point in valuing them or what I do in this life when it's just a fleeting dream ?
I want more incentive to practice or whatever . . . but it seems delusion is preferable to wisdom . . . Why soak in the infinite if it will all end in the abeyance that is void when this life fades away . . .
If life really is senseless and i'm parsing meaning out of meaninglessness, like a babble that has no intrinsic meaning
then what's the point of taking any of this seriously if it'll end in naught ? it's just a recursive joke . . .
r e p l y
a very good post thanx ! :o)
i really like that phrase at the end
you really have made good progress with these posts . .
it's interesting, you get off track, then you get on track when you are motivated, so the first thing is it can't be easy to be you, i really mean that, you have my sympathy, more burdened with with this extreme flip flopping than anyone else !
you are naturally tasked with a difficult life and neurology, same with me, if i could live blind and had a reasonable competence in life like the rest of the breeding r a t s
i would
but the way i am always throws me tossed in the waves like osip mandelstam's “ seashell ” poem . .
so as to the “ why ” of “ parsing meaning out of meaninglessness, like a babble that has no intrinsic meaning
then what's the point of taking any of this seriously if it'll end in naught ? it's just a recursive joke . . . ” is that really for some, like the posters on this blog, there is no choice !
i just do this because it's the road i'm on and i can hear the lions roar in the distance behind me, no doubt they will catch up one day !
your problem is you don't really see what is infinity and understand it as infinity and therefore the hub of all we think of as life . .
that sense of what it is takes alot of time to clarify and develop and a certain mode of life that is shall we say/call it “ hermetic ” ?
it's that sense of what it is which is fact an absorption into that which drives everything
in that context human love is limited . .
that is why meiji zen and the disgusting abeyances of what zen is really about like web zen are so wrong, rocked in the arms of and giving human love is like rolling in filthy excrement, but o f c o u r s e t h i s w i l l n o t b e u n d e r s t o o d . .
(so?) an aspect of infinity in life is this endless “ density ” in all directions and you are on the right track, beginning to probe this and this is all one can do in life, i can't even say “ in an intelligent fashion ” because it all seems so beyond intelligence and our ability to p r e d i c t . .
the yahoo's in gullivers travels
are in fact “ hnea yahoo ” or “ not god ”
the yahoo's in gullivers travels are in fact “ hnea yahoo ” or “ not god ”
the yahoo's in gullivers travels are in fact ‘ hnea yahoo ’ or ‘ not god ’
infant malnutrition inducts environmental enteropathy (EE)
the metabolomic analysis of the small intestine revealed for the first time that malnutrition leads to drastic shifts in the small intestinal bile acid pool
specifically, a reduction in tauroconjugated bile acids was observed in malnourished mice, which are important for fat and nutrient uptake in the small intestine
such a bile deficiency could be linked to observed alterations in the luminal bioavailability of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E
changes in bile composition could foster colonisation by bacteroidales and e. coli strains in the small intestine
psychiatrists don't care about patients health
reddit is full of the wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
psychiatrists don't care about patients health
reddit is full of wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
psychiatrists don't care about patients health
reddit is full of the wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
psychiatrists don't care about patients health
reddit is full of wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
psychiatrists don't care about patients health !
reddit is full of the wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
psychiatrists don't care about patients health !
reddit is full of wreckage from multidrug pyschiatric cocktails !
the best way to take vitamin D is not the medical “bolus” dose
but to take D3 daily to maximise its steroid effect which will help with the joint pain !
even better is to further “ divide ” the dose down to several times a day, what the actual dose is you have to work out as everyone is affected differently !
I worked in toll booths from 98 to 2000 although I don't have too many stories that are that interesting. The toll I worked on was on a fairly small road actually about an hour outside Las Vegas. There was a good amount of traffic but occasionally there would be breaks where there are no cars so i could sit back and relax. It was a fairly cool night and quiet as it usually is and a small town I can always see off in the distance with its lights on it was a little after 11pm there was a break in cars so i sat back and dosed off I woke up about 30 minutes later still no cars in sight so i just sat there
I'd occasionally look down the road to see if I needed to prepare for a car but there was nothing I could see I turned back to my book of Sudoku but i was hearing something that sounded like the distance buzz of an engine i looked back out the window and still saw nothing so I went back to my book and brushed it off as a train in the distance that I couldn't quite see because there was a railway that was over the hill across the road from where I was sitting. After 2 minutes passed the engine noise wasn't gone and was actually louder than before. i looked out the window again I looked down the road and was about to go back into the booth but I saw something in the corner of my eye. The toll station had a light emitting from it and I could see the reflection of the light on a slowly approaching sedan. The car rolled up the first thing I noticed was that the car was totally trashed as if it got into an accident really recently
As it rolls to a stop I look in and I see a fairly young man maybe early 20's with some dried liquid on his face because of the lighting I couldn't tell what it was. I asked him if everything was alright and he responded with a cold and smooth voice
“ Yes sir, just getting me and my sister home ” This unsettled me because he was alone in the car. I told him the toll and he rolled off again I watched as he drove off into the distance still with no head or tail light. Before heading back into the booth I look down and see a pool of liquid formed where the car was stopped. I figured it was just some sort of oil leaking from the car but because of the weird acts of the driver I knelt down and dipped my finger into it because the light from the booth wasn't perfect i could only see it as a dark liquid on the ground as I stood back up and put my hand into the light I could see it was red. Red like blood
I decided it would probably be best if I called the police and they got there and determined that it was in fact blood and I told them that the pool formed over where the cars trunk sat when he was stopped. I gave them a description of the car and that's the last i heard of it. I still wonder whether it was that 20 or so year olds' sister in the trunk of the car or what but i will always remember that night and if it was he got caught and punished
Well when the police got there they confirmed to me it was blood unfortunately. I'm not sure how they confirmed it but they did tell me that blood has somewhat of an iron smell to it and it's easier to pick out in larger concentrations
ed. just stuck in my mind for some reason ! : o ) (
from the comments, near lake mead, nevada ?
the author is 19 years old and has some super strong autistic traits, obviously the story is made up, hard also to say whether that's the case with the one below ? this (toll booth) one is abit “ literary ” !
a post from
When I was in my early 20's, I worked a late shift, so I started carrying a .38 with me when I walked to work
Nearly two years into that job, I walked past an alley on the way to work, and heard a commotion. I looked down into the alley, and saw a guy just absolutely beating the shit out of another guy. I wasn't about to jump in and be a hero, I mean, I had no idea why they were fighting, the guy on the ground could have been a drug dealer selling crack to the other guy's kid for all I knew
The second before I'm about to turn away and let them figure it out, the winning guy draws a gun and pulls the slide back, yelling at the downed guy about how he's gonna blow his brains out. Something happened in that moment and I just pulled out my piece and let all 5 rounds go, as fast as I could pull the trigger. I don't know how many hit him, but he went down immediately
The other guy looked out at me, and probably got a good look at my face, because I just stood there for a moment in shock. Then I pretty much panicked and bolted. I didn't go into work that night, and used up all my time off while I mulled over the idea of splitting town. I destroyed the gun immediately. Melted it down
I eventually did leave that job, but not in a rush. I made up a story about a family member in ill health, and gave my two weeks to my job, leaving soon after. I moved cross country, and got a new job. Didn't change my name or anything like that
I don't know how to feel about it. I alternate between feeling totally justified, and very ashamed. That guy was probably gonna die, and I saved him. Was he worth saving, though ? I knew so little about what was happening, I just reacted in an instant. And what about the guy I killed ? Either he was a piece of shit criminal, or a loving father of three pushed to the edge
The only way I'll ever know is if they catch me, and tell me about it in the process. I do get afraid of that, often. I guess I can live with some paranoia, in the moments when I tell myself I did the right thing
ed. reading the comments, there is no indication this homicide ever made the news which implies the shot man was a criminal or outlaw !
what i find interesting is not the moral aspect of it, but the guy on the ground about to be shot has a new lease of life from what would have to be, a not merely unexpected but totally improbable, almost impossible corner ! : o)
a lars von trier quote
“ When I look around and look at works of art that I like, they all contain melancholia to some point
I would describe it as being the soul to put in the food
You know, if you've got to put in melancholia, then you have to have some melancholia at the table to put it into to make it become a real dish ”
my r e p l y
that is a reasonable and intelligent perspective of a non celibate middle aged man who has thought and experienced these matters
however from the perspective of celibacy and lifelong intensity of investigation, it's to be the other side of suicide and to play with the perspectives and views that state gives you !
it's the difference between a warm day and the red hot lava thrown up by a flaming volcano !
. .
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e !
. .
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e !
. .
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e !
. .
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e ! : o ) (
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e ! : o ( (
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e ! : o ( )
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e !
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e !
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e
the sadness o f p a s s i n g t i m e
the sadness of passing time
one of the great ‘ lyric ’ passages in english literature !
346 to 386
To see horses ride in a coach, men draw it
dogs devour their masters
towers build masons
children rule
old men go to school
women wear the breeches
sheep demolish towns, devour men, etc. And in a word, the world turned upside downward
To see a scholar crouch and creep to an illiterate peasant for a meal's meat
my co m m e n t
it's surprising he's fed at a l l !
coming back from town last night, i picked up a road killed wallaby, maybe half an hour dead or less, still very pliable . .
a n y w a y before bed i hung it up and gutted it, what was interesting was the intestinal tract and stomach were undamaged and hadn't spilled their contents at all, a portion of the lungs showed some contusion but that was about it . .
the skull was intact, a bit of clotted blood in the brain
but the neck was completely broken, you could easily move the head and feel the broken vetebrae moving
it made me think of the phrase “broken neck” applied to humans in accidents, such a substantial injury so casually treated in two words . .
looking at the carcass this morning, the cats have chewed it right down, i save the internal organs, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain and thyroids for myself, the brain certainly makes one think b e t t e r . . !
w r i t e s from furnace mountain, 10th august 2015
i'm having a great time Andrew, I'll take some pictures within the next couple of days to share
Today I asked George bomun :
“ Is there something that comes from years of meditation and contemplation ? ”
His reply :
“ Oh, yes ! Absolutely ! ”
r e p l y
his full reply was
Oh, yes! Absolutely!
but it's an open question as to wether one would have been better to to have taken a more conventional path in life, understood less and been happier and less depressed from the insight a deep understanding gives, to see the free fall of floating eventually down to the bottom of a/the bottomless abyss !
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who's singing this song ?
a cricket ! ?
Enough, please. I'm done. I don't know what you want me to say. I'm sorry if I insulted you. I didn't mean to. But, now, you're freaking me out and I just would like it if you stopped
r e p l y
sure, there's alot like you on reddit, doped to the gills with several medications and young enough that the side effects wreak havoc for the remainder of their young lives, but will they put any effort into working out non medical alternatives for their problems ?
did that last ditty expose something to you that you'd rather not see ?
like standing on the edge of a crumbling cliff with the dislodged gravel and rocks tumbling down into the abyss below ?
a challenging and intelligent comment freaks you out ?
the usual reddit “i'm three years old and mother me please” issue ?
ed. this type deserves her life and health problems
s h e g o t m e b a n n e d
, t h e f l a k e ! : o ( )
if you stop building ‘ the house of zen ”
, where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building ‘ the house of zen ”
, where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building
the house of zen ,
where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building the house of zen, where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building ‘ the house of zen ” , where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away by the tide of nothingness ?
into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building the house of zen, where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away by the tide of nothingness ?
into the empty vacuity of a meaningless life ?
if you stop building ‘ the house of zen ” ,
where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away by the tide of nothingness ?
if you stop building the house of zen, where do you stand right now ? afraid to be swept away by the tide of nothingness ?
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who's singing this song ?
a cricket ! ?
the world's smallest violin is playing for y o u ! ?
. .
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who's singing this song ?
a cricket ! ?
the world's smallest violin is playing for y o u ! ?
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who's singing this song ?
. .
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who's singing this song ?
a cricket ! ?
one doctor is right
another doctor is wrong
who is singing this song ?
a cricket ! ?
yes, i know, everything is about you !
. .
yes, i know, everything is about you !
yes, i know, everything is about you
“ the past is not right and the future is not right ! ” : o)
the past is not right and the future is not right ! : o)
the past is not right and the future is not right !
the past is not right and the future is not right
sepehr g.
a s k s
do you think the buddhabrot looking like a buddha meditating is mere coincidence ?
r e p l y
the brain lays it's own patterns on what it sees to try and make sense of it !
similarly with thinking !
there's a lot of sleep deprivation in buddhism, maybe buddhist art is influenced by hypnagogic hallucinations ?
your whole approach is the avoidance of any contemplative work yourself, proxing writing onto others, semi-magic like the
buddhabrot ,
immersed in visual entertainment. . endless this avoidance by y o u !
willem and judith kempen
traverse the canning stock route !
helena spring didn't match it's description of a visit in october 1896 by explorer david carnegie who described it as “ the diamond in the desert ” !
a quote from kenji miyazawa's poem “ strong in the rain ”
he lives in a little thatched-roof hut
in a field in the shadows of a pine tree grove
c o m m e n t
“ in the shadows ” may be right ! : o(
maybe it's the translation(s !)
but there's something about his writing that doesn't gell with me, he is mad of course, but not collected enough about it ! : o (
page of his poetry
some people like osip mandelstam simply seem beyond the ability of translators to ever capture what they really wrote in its full depth of subtlety and allusion !
reading abit more he does grow on you !
an imaginative children's story !
Medicine simply does not have the answers for a lot of gastrointestinal issues !
yet another lamb bleating on reddit that the doctors have no answers but give me the pill that will solve all my problems !
or else i will suffer all my life but don't EVER expect me to think and work any of this out for myself !
“ My friend has stomach issues that no doctor can fix or make less uncomfortable/painful
She is 17 almost 18 and has some serious stomach acid type of health problem. She has had every stomach test possible done, it's not an ulcer as well. She takes multiple antacids every day. Its not her diet she eats really healthy and it still happens. Mainly its a cycle, where it gets really bad then normal for awhile with mild acid symptoms and then back to really bad
So i'm asking all these people on reddit if you know a way to fix this or you know what type of condition it is and if there is a way to make it better
i'm just tired of doctors not knowing what this is and her feeling like shit and it's really upsetting when you hear things like this is going to be my life forever ”
r e p l y
Well there's a lot of disagreement about what is healthy and what is not in terms of diet for IBS or IBS-like conditions . .
She will have a biofilm/microbiome problem which is basically malign gut flora from an inability to control it !
the two diets that address microbiome problems are the SCD and BCD diets
You would also find the Houston afp pep, no fenol, zyme prime and bromelain enzymes useful
they really help with digestion !
But it's a different paradigm, you have to accept medicine can't really help with a lot of gastrointestinal issues and do heaps of work putting things together for yourself that get you into a functioning space !
eye changes are the earliest and most sensitive indicators of blood sugar problems !
it's not simply the amount of sugar you eat, genetics and other dietary factors can play a big role !
my eyes were changing and i started taking
chromium and they are now back to where they were 30 years ago !
eye changes are the earliest and most sensitive indicators of blood sugar problems !
it's not simply the amount of sugar you eat, genetics and other dietary factors can play a big role !
my eyes were changing and i started taking
chromium and they are now back to 30 years ago !
sepehr g.
w r i t e s
I think a lot of little things, besides nutrition which is immensely important, can dull down people. The same is true for brighten. It's hard to pick out all those things.
One of them, I know as an absolute that I never truly learned until now, is how thick, colored eye glasses make people stupid. It cuts off at least
30 - 40 percent of your peripheral vision. I'm not kidding. I don't think anyone can wear this without training their mind and eyes to be more focused on narrowness or whatever. Wirey and light frames are obviously better in that it doesn't do ANYTHING to your peripheral vision.
i think going blind is better than wearing glasses that destroy your peripheral vision. There's something about vision without the peripheral vision that dulls your mind, that makes it suck some parochial like limbo . . .
There are a little of things like this in life, some bigger of course
r e p l y
good reply thanx sepehr !
there are life and intellectual equivalents to restricted peripheral vision !
i have seen this issue of psychiatric meds causing
side effects especially once you start taking several
they can interact in unknown ways !
the longer you take them
the more likely the side effects build as well. . .
i have seen this issue of psychiatric meds causing
side effects especially once you start taking several
they can interact in unknown ways !
i have seen this issue of psychiatric meds causing side effects especially once you start taking several ,
they can interact in unknown ways !
the longer you take them
the more likely the side effects build as well. . .
i have seen this issue of psychiatric meds causing side effects especially once you start taking several ,
they can interact in unknown ways !
i have seen this issue of meds causing side effects especially once you start taking several ,
they can interact in unknown ways !
the longer you take them
the more likely the side effects build as well. . .
i have seen this issue of meds causing side effects especially once you start taking several ,
they can interact in unknown ways !
i think sylvia plath's wonderful poem ‘ lorelei ’ (1958) is heavily indebted
to this (1952)
anaïs nin on venice
I was sent to Venice to cover fashions for magazines. When the train approaches Venice, it seems to be running on water because there is water on each side of the rails. The dream begins even in the train, as one leaves the earth to enter a new plant. Venice at night. In the train, across from me sat an Italian with gray hair, such a warm-toned skin, and glowing eyes with resplendent teeth . . . . It was he who opened the window so I could see the first lights of Venice. The first layer of still water and the floating lights
When we reached Venice he helped me get on the motorboat, carried my bag . . . I smiled behind my veil and wished instead I could concentrate on my first sight of venice. Venice at night. Fluid, golden, all lights, and multiple reflections of lights, ghostly houses, a beauty one cannot seize at first because it is so subtle and intricate and has the evanescent quality of a dream. The laciness of the buildings, the sculptured modeling, the carvings, the statues, the trellises of shadows and white colonnaades and such a fusion of a city and reflections of a city that half of it seems sunk into water. The music of the water, the slapping sound of the wavelets as the boats pass, against walls, bridges, and stairways. The long gliding black gondolas, the rhythm, the voices mingling, laughter, everything softened, flowing, muted by the presence of the water . . .
This city striving to rise out of the water each day has the magic which only the sea can create for it, has the same pulse as that of our hearts and blood; it cradles emotions and the sense, it lulls them, enchants them, hypnotizes them. It is not a city but a drug
In the sunlight the chalky colors are patined with gold, rocked by the rhythm of the tides which sway the houses and bridges. These are the canals of the womb. The sleep of the womb. The gondolas are so silky and quiet that you feel are swimming through the water. You are carried on a current of passivity and contemplation . . .
The wooden poles painted like banderillas are planted in the canal to chain the gondolas at rest,but they stll dance up and down, evenly, like a
well-trained ballet . . .
a s k s
I don't know why I'm always coming back here waiting for a response
You keep saying something about being sucked dry or some shit, being used and abused, I don't know the exact phrase or words but it's not pretty
Do you actually feel something physical or does it actually cause you so much harm when I or other people throw these questions at you ?
r e p l y
jon, i don't think you have to look any further than yourself to answer those questions, how do you feel ?
jon r e p l i e s
I feel shitty sometimes
Lost, helpless
Sometimes extremely angry
Sometimes I want to snap on everyone but what's the point . . It's not their fault, it's just me and there are no answers
r e p l y
i think/feel life is much more like backgammon rather than chess ! : o )
both krishnamurtis had their limitations . .
i think you have to be childless and lived most of your life celibate to get it 100% right
otherwise you are never going to do what is necessary . . it is a constant extreme crucifixion . .
that is what is unique about the desert fathers, the best of catholic mysticism and zen/ch'an
a s k s
I am reading “ zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance ”
do you like this book ?
I like it, so far
r e p l y
a good article on robert pirsig !
he was autistic and not insane, yet he accepts societies valuation of him as i n s a n e . . !
he's a good example of some-one who should have been celibate and not married and had children . . too much of a burden for him to survive . .
he's sorta half there and half not, celibate and he would have been a ll t h e r e
as it is it's a sorta fraud . .
he made quite abit of money out of the book and became a cult hero
g o o d l u c k
t o h i m !
i really find it pays to research author's lives ,
what they write doesn't make sense (100% ? ) without it ! : o ) . . . (
time release melatonins are problematic from a digestive point of view !
when i used to take it, the one i liked most was the MRM brand one !
now i do
other things as melatonin has some limitations !
brad warner
w r i t e s
a couple days ago someone sent an email to me asking, “ do you think the personal relationship with a teacher is vital for reaching deeper levels of realization ? ”
after answering with my usual stuff about why one needs a teacher I said, “ deeper levels of realization are for suckers ” I wasn’t trying to be cute. well, not entirely anyway. I mean that. there are no deeper levels of realization.
r e p l y
translating “realization” into a less voynich term
“ understanding ”
there's infinite density in all directions, what you have to do is embark on the process of exploring that infinite density . .
that process supports and modifies you if you let it, there's nothing to hold onto and what emerges is what g i v e s i d e n t i t y ! . .
t h a t i s t h e t e a c h e r a n d i t i s s u c h a d i f f i c u l t r o u g h h o u s e i a m n o t s u p r i s e d y o u f l a k e d a w a y t o o f r i g h t e n i n g f o r y o u ?
when you go to stay at a “ center ”
you are going into a very gossipy environment
be careful of what you say and try to always be courteous and helpful !
jon a s k s / s t a t es
how the hell do you even write that kind of shit
referring to anaïs nin
that's some crazy stuff, it's out of control
r e p l y
anaïs nin did have the advantage of knowing or having as friends or lovers some of the best writing talents of her time . .
paris, louveciennes, new york, california . .
i don't think that sort of grouping of competent writers exists today, dull hacks is what these times seem to mostly consist of ! . !
anaïs nin did have the advantage of knowing or having as friends or lovers some of the best writing talents of her time . .
paris, louveciennes, new york, california . .
i don't think that sort of grouping of competent writers exists today, dull hacks is what these times seem to mostly consist of ! . !
hmmm ,
is a problem !
hmmm ,
is a problem !
hmmm ,
is a problem !
is a problem !
is a problem !
is aproblem !
is aproblem !
hmmm, caffeine
is aproblem !
hmmm, caffeine
is aproblem !
the bloody mop of existance !
. .
the bloody mop of existance ! : o ( )
the bloody mop of existance !
the bloody mop of existance
the bloody mop of existance !
. .
the bloody mop of existence ! : o ( )
the bloody mop of existence !
the bloody mop of existence
a quote from anaïs nin's book
, “ house of incest ”
“ my first vision of earth was water veiled
I am of the race of men and women who see all things through this curtain of sea, and my eyes are the color of water ”
anaïs nin on her
early writing life and also the influence of henry miller and lawrence durrell
well i got this
right in 2013
she became famous this year with the voice uk 2015 [
I II ]
“ so well sung
, it makes you cry ”
a good
account of taking radioactive iodine !
well my upper motor neurons are ok !
( ed. the other fingers should not move ! )
interesting that's is such
an easy and distinct test !
if you want to see
a fucked up spine look at these MRI's !
interesting you can see the brain stem in them !
asking a woman to be honest with you is like asking water not to be wet !
. .
asking a woman to be honest with you is like asking water not to be wet !
: o ( )
asking a woman to be honest with you is like asking water not to be wet !
: o (
asking a woman to be honest with you is like asking water not to be wet !
asking a woman to be honest with you is like asking water not to be wet
fellini's satyricon ,
looking again for the first time once more in many years one has a different perspective, it's more about manic human sexuality
it's hard to realize the likely
original author was executed/forced to commit suicide by nero . .
you can see that sort of culture right through the film !
lol, cilla black's real name was priscilla white ! : o )
the long term management of tinnitus requires eliminating exposure to loud sounds !
that or earplugs/sound cancellers
. .
the long term management of tinnitus requires eliminating exposure to loud sounds !
that or earplugs/sound cancellers
. .
the long term management of tinnitus requires eliminating exposure to loud sounds !
that or earplugs/sound cancellers
the long term management of tinnitus requires eliminating exposure to loud sounds !
jonathan w r o t e ( friday, 10 july 2015 )
Lol got frustrated the other day.
Was working on tying hoses up and I couldn't do them properly, they kept falling apart.
I kept trying harder and harder and I kept fucking up more and more.
I was getting pissed off big time, started ignoring people around me, not responding to them.
Just standing there, wanting to escape, but how ? Felt suicidal, was getting sick of being a failure. Was thinking “ I'm gonna kill myself ”
I didn't want to kill myself just because of the rope business, that just triggered it . . . I wanted to do it because of all my past failures, everything I did and do in life isn't very good. So I was thinking so hard, so much thoughts, mostly negative.
I just stood in one spot after while and when it was time to move on and do something else I just looked at my co-worker and boss, shook and my head and left. Another guy called after me and I didn't look back to him, just kept walking. I wasn't gonna go home, I decided to walk all the way to the lake. Saw a semi on the road so I said fuck it and went another way, near the river. There's an old trail there that was gonna be made into a ski trail but the project was never finished, anyways I kept walking there. I decided I wasn't gonna kill myself, but what was I gonna do ? I walked a bit and stopped and looked around and listened for a bit. Then I got up and kept walking. This area was burnt, not all of it . . maybe like half the area I walked through was burnt . . . well maybe more was burnt than was green.
Anyways I kept walking, saw a little tree on fire and approached it so I could piss on it . . it was dying out as I approached. I was also kinda afraid but the more I walked the more I calmed down, on the fear and the anger and shit.
Started calming down and reached another spot where I just chilled and listened to the birds and looked around at the damage done . . . . just chilling a bit, thinking.
Thought of quitting too so I went back to the fire base to talk to the man in charge of everything, was gonna tell him to fire me or I'll just quit if he didn't. He wasn't around so I went to the shop, talked to some guys about what happened to me, apologized to the people I ignored. I told them I wanted to quit and they told me to sleep on it.
So I came home since the boss wasn't around still and my mom talked to me about this shit too. Next morning I just decided to stick around. Good thing the head honcho wasn't around that day this shit happened or I would've been out of a job.
That little walk alone in the bush was pretty amazing I guess . . .
hookah has very high, brain damaging even carbon monoxide levels !
jonathan w r i t e s
jesus christ do you gotta put some effort into keeping new habits going . . . is it even worth it lol
r e p l y
is there any choice ?
this is because the alternative to trying to improve things is to fall into a destructive downward spiral ! : o(
jonathan w r i t e s
Jesus christ do you gotta put some effort into keeping new habits going . . . is it even worth it lol
r e p l y
is there any choice ?
a quote from proverbs
“ the man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out . . . ”
r e p l y
except by the crocodile that waits by the straight path ! : o )(
ewk's dilemma
it's taken me along time to work out the real dynamics of
reddit zen , like how can such obtuse moronity persist for so long !
i think without
ewk the subreddit would degenerate into a sorta buddhist wannabe zen forum, but ewk holds the fort for his version of “buji scriptual zen” and because of the sheer daily time he puts into it, forces a dominance of sorts !
one factor with the subreddit is the large percentage of gays including ewk, this is important because the subreddit always has strong sexual undercurrents, but also because ewk is really operating as a “queen bee” which is very heterosexual female charateristic, he is the queen bee and acts very hostilely to other potential queen bee's, but his dilemma is that “alts” constantly destroy any coherence that might develop on the subreddit as well as enabling a constant very hostile form of “ street warefare ” !
so he's the “queen bee” of a very damaged and rather useless “ hive” and he knows it, but can't remedy the situation by controlling the alts (ed. the ability to change nicks) and if he was to leave and set up his own subreddit, non-one would come because he simply has no understanding of what zen is about . . .
none of them there can see the logic of at least doing a little real life zen to see how it works in practice, rather they base their creed on poor translations in the usual scriptual manner that actually our western christian background predisposes us to !
the other thing is ewk has a huge accumulated upvote score that buffers him against downvotes, that without this the “buddhist zen wannabes” who seem to be capable of effectively “brigading” downvotes would be able to put him into post inhibiting downvote territory !
so the way reddit zen is, is abit of an anomaly, it may persist as long as ewk persists there, once he goes it will divide more naturally into its two faux elements, buji and buddhist zen wannabe . . separate subreddits in fact !
structually stressed situations like what exist on reddit zen can persist for a very long time and reddit is not short of a constant influx of incoming morons so the time frame for change goes out so far ahead, one cannot predict even that one will not go before this subreddit ! . . : o ) (
the great secret with situations like this is how to make them work for you, i find what does this for me is to read it occasionally and NEVER post ! : o)
so all you reddit zenners who occasionally reference me with
zaddar1 you wanking bad arses . .
waste your time, i am impervious ! :o)
i was forced through several alts because of downvoting (
zaddar 7thzenpatriarch an3drew )
in hindsight the “brigade downvoting” is a successful tactic and effectively ensured i would be removed from r/zen anyway, reddit is far from uncensored as is the claim !
the dull, repeditive, tedious and moronic are in control like nowhere else ! : o ( )
huh, i did write
some good stuff in my time on there ! : o)(
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r !
. .
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r !
. .
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r !
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r !
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r ! : o )
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r ! : o (
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r ! : o ()
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r !
anything which has a recursive substrate goes on forever and f o r e v e r
i'm really getting into “ travel by the internet ”
can't say i have wanted to climb st. peters bascilica or visit the vatican or be exhausted visiting rome, i would like to see the dolomites tho . .
the view is fabulous and i even got quite a good feel for
what it entails to get up there ! : o) (
still, despite the massive architecture, like the pyramids i have to wonder at the stupidity of it and the brainless ants that built it ! : o)(
a very windy day, two eagles resting/just standing 150 meters away in the paddock, couldn't work out what they were at first but the binoculars showed them to be one standing directly behind the other from my life of sight . .
then the plovers (ed. ‘masked lapwing’ ) started bugging them and they took off, you would expect being an eagle not to have to be worried about that sort of thing, but apparently n o t ! . . : o ( )
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint ! : o (
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint ! : o (
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint !
. .
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint ! : o (
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint !
: o (
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint ! : o (
so amazing this world !
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint !
r e d d i t z e n they are all closed to everything except their own viewpoint
i was looking at james packer and mariah carey and thinking, well it's a nice life if you can afford it, but in fact historically communism and socialism have been nasty brutal disasters with everyone dirt poor except the ruling clique and even they are only what we would call middle class wealth !
quite a useful tip when dealing with
a d h d and perhaps one's own . !
: o ) . . (
“ kids with
a d h d typically need an external or an additional reinforcement to perform their best ”
jon's gem
a really good bit of writing from his blog (tuesday, 28 July 2015)
tho a photo of the train station would have been nice /added ! :o)
The train is running late
A 2 hour delay
Everyone's sitting around standing around or laying around
Some are talking others are silent
Some are gazing into nothingness lost in thought
Some look at me
Some kids run back and forth
Their parents giving them commands such as run or jump or turn around
I'm just having coffee, watching and listening
Waiting for the train like everyone else
Now a child cries
Everyone is getting antsy
Or maybe it's just me
The train finally arrived but it'll still be a few more moments before we're allowed to board
Lover's kiss goodbye
Lover's, the only thing close nowadays, the only thing secure, a dangerous thing
Before, everyone provided love to each other
Now it's just couples
Now it's delicate
Be careful lover's
do you know the phrase
“ learned helplessness ”
do you know the phrase
“ learned helplessness ”
do you know the phrase
“ learned helpnessness ” ?
marina tsvetaeva, anna akhmatova, osip mandelstam
, ̱ ̱ it's all incredibly sad
, poets do not survive well in a police state !
it's almost as though the subtlety of thinking and holistic mindset is what upsets ̲ ̲ ̱ which it still does today in any culture and system of government ̱ ̱ ̲
the mass of morons imposing t h e i r w i l l ̱ ̱ . ! : o (
marina tsvetaeva, anna akhmatova, osip mandelstam
, ̱ ̱ it's all incredibly sad
, poets do not survive well in a police state !
marina tsvetaeva, anna akhmatova, osip mandelstam
, ̱ ̱ it's all incredibly sad
, poets do not stand up well in a police state !
marina tsvetaeva, anna akhmatova, osip mandelstam
, ̱ ̱ it's all incredibly sad
, poets do not do well in a police state !
now this is why meditation usually
goes off the rails ,
creating narrow twisted idiots, so dull and boring and stupid . . .
they don't read adequately
just filling their minds with pappy junk instead of
so the default network just engages on this shit driving them deeper into holes of their own making !
of the what must be millions of meditators, i am really the only one that does consistent quality reading !
you can't tell them, they already have all the answers . . stupid s h i t s ! : o (
an interesting piece of samuel johnson's life !
effexor/venlafaxine, abilify/aripiprazole and doxycycline may be able to interact to cause this sort of memory problem, or at least amplify this well known side effect of effexor !
personally i am like this anyway ! : o ) (
“ I am 17 years old, female, Hispanic, 5'5", 125lbs, and recently (last two weeks) I have been having memory problems : meaning, I have very distinct memories of, say, washing the dishes
but it turns out I never went near the sink
Or pouring myself a cup of water, drinking it and turning to wash it but it's still on the counter, full of water. Or vividly recalling taking a shower, going to my room to change, and I never got out of bed.
In addition, my general memory is suffering as well. As a typical 17 yr old, I have had daily chores for years; but in the last two weeks every day I forget to do some or all of them. My birthday was on the 27th. I did not remember until someone wished me happy birthday at midday.
I am diagnosed with PTSD, but the incident which caused it didn't just happen recently, and I have been in therapy and making progress for a few months. I take small doses of Effexor and Abilify (ed. also doxycyline for several months now for catscratch fever) everyday as well. I have been on these doses for almost a year. ”
why travel when volunteers will travel, suffer and write about it for you ?
it was a
norovirus btw gesshin ! : o)(
common to tourist traps i am sure !
nah, that was a good
post , you always do well when you write from your own experience !
i think with the internet is there is this problem of a huge abundance of quality reading material
i don't know how one copes with hyperlexia
i do try to winnow only in reading quality stuff, but you run into the problem of missing the gems buried in junk, of which there are always an essential few ! : o ) (
sepehr g.
a s k s
I always get autonomous sensory meridian response all over my body when I read good poetry, watch good film, or etc. I get it a lot of times with your poetry too
sometimes I get it too while writing my own stuff
is there anything unique or special about this ?
r e p l y
thanx for bringing that up, first time i have heard of it, but can relate, tho not a usual response for me !
maybe its not so aesthetically oriented with most people ?
that actually tells you a quite a bit about yourself, what interests and motivates you !
Such a powerful poem Andrew . . . Your best one yet . . .
This poem . . . I will memorize it and keep it as a kind of mantra.
Something about it made my whole body tingle more than normal.
ed. the above is a previous post by sepehr g.
dongshan's ‘ taking the high ridge ’
a monk asked :
“ you always tell beginners to go the way of the high ridge, what is this way of the high ridge ? ”
dongshan replied “ it is dangerous ! ”
the monk then asked “ how can we go on this way ? ”
dongshan replied “ by self awareness
attending to each step as it is made ”
reddit zen, these people don't accept they have cognitive style problems that have left them in a bizarre and non functional place they call z e n !
everything is about them apparently ! : o (
reddit zen, these people don't accept they have cognitive style problems that have left them in a bizarre and non functional place they call z e n !
reddit zen, these people don't accept they have cognitive style problems that have left them in a bizarre and non functional place they call z e n
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ? !
. .
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ? !
. .
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ? !
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ?!
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ! ?
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do !?
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do ?
why do i have to bleed to death whatever i do
multiple universes /multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
. .
multiple universes /multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
. .
multiple universes /multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
: o ) (
multiple universes /multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
: o )
multiple universes /multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
multiple universes / multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
multiple universes/ multiverse, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
multiple universes, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh !
multiple universes, the sixth patriarch and i have the last laugh
aging is a different hockey game where the umpire doesn't like you, the puck's off center and the ice is slush ! : o )
sepehr g.
a s k s
do you think cetaceans deserve to be considered non-human persons and be given rights ?
I was thinking about getting my ms or phd studying cetacean social cognition and possibly do field work with them
r e p l y
i found a huge skull on the beach the other day, possibly a young gray's beaked whale
when i looked at that skull and the huge size of the brain case
i know it was likely more intelligent than humans . .
the really interesting thing about cetaceans is actually being able to communicate converse with them
they may well have language in their various
sounds and songs ,
who knows ?
sophisticated communication would establish rights immediately !
i guess that will happen !
one of the problems with zen and the sort of exploration involved is you lose your motivation for things like cetacean research which previously would have seemed exciting !
interestingly in the area of neurobiology, bernard baars, murray shanahan and others are establishing a brain physiology/biological basis for
conciousness !
jason dafonte writes of his sitting group
I think the biggest lesson I've taken from there is how fucked up his dharma heirs knees and ankles are
constantly cracking when we do walking meditation
jason dafonte a s k s
could you go more into detail of how you were kicked out of zen mountain monastery ?
r e p l y
it's like ryushin marchaj's experience, he wanted to go and they didn't want him !
at that stage i was still searching so it was good for me to move on, but later when i was just staying at centers/places and enjoying staying there i learnt to not say too much and appear to conform, most people don't care as long as you don't rock the boat !
the only place i didn't have to do that was with toni packer and the springwater center, but she was genuinely enlightened . . !
these other places with their “pretend” and fraudulent teachers are all just a house of cards and when one of the cards threatens the s t r u c t u r e . . !
that was a good question you asked, made me think and work through things a b i t . .
you having trouble with that group you sit with ?
financially zen has collapsed to be replaced by the likes of, one form of schizophrenia replaced by another !
i think the thing about
richard hart is like personally i don't approve of him, that's why i left zen mountain/john loori, i didn't approve of him, where you have a guy in complete control like that and you don't approve then you have to move on !
kwan um zen is more diffuse and doesn't have the same control problems !
actually if you really take that hymie wyse
video on board
you don't need zen at all ! : o )
“ zero ”
w r i t e s
I'm doing extensive research on aspergers, and completely believe
jennifer lawrence has it
single attention, speech type, facial processing style, body position, hand gestures, eye contact, personality tempo, amongst other things
she would fit under the ‘ actor ’ subtype (coping style)
and is very similar to 3 of my aspergers friends. any thoughts ?
r e p l y
she's very gender blurred, has a sort of male clarity of thinking which in my view ( the gender blurring ) is definitive of autistic spectrum !
haven't seen her rocking in an unguarded moment but i would be expecting that
there's no actors or musicians not on autistic spectrum imo !!
lol you couldn't delete that post quick enough ! got it : o )
ed. sepehr g.'s post in the section below this ( bergson > etc )
actually it wasn't a bad post, why are you so sensitive ?
you don't reply to my replies you don't like and delete your own that you think reflect badly on you !
this is a harmless context to expose yourself, up your game and don't delete and dialogue more ! :o)
sepehr g. w r i t e s
Bergson > Deleuze > Derrida > > > > > > Badiou > Zizek
I like Derrida, but Henri Bergson and Deleuze are a bit better. Badiou and Zizek suck.
r e p l y
if you don't do your own work you are always going to be ranking others and unable to appreciate what each person offers !
you can be a sophisticated consumer but what does that do ? just an empty can rattling stones !
i am always very careful to use most of what i do for writing ! : o )(
chromium and daily vitamin D3 helpful for diabetes !
eye changes are very indicative of blood sugar problems !
people successful in managing diabetes don't just rely on medicine, for instance there's a lot of disagreement about what dietary changes are effective !